The 2008 Attack on Swayback is behind us now! Saturday Josh Powell and I went to pre-ride the course because neither one of us had ever set foot in Wetumpka, AL on the Swayback Bridge Trail.
After the pre-ride we came to the conclusion that it would be absolutely impossible to pass so hole shot was key from the start. The trail was the tightest singletrack I had ever ridden. It consisted of tight turn after tight turn, quick switchbacks into climbs, short steep leg burning hills and the turns were a combination of sand and gravel. The temps Sat were hanging around 73. Bring on the challenge!
Take off Sunday morning was 10:40. This was Josh's first singlespeed race and man there was some serious competition, mad props to him for following through the challenge. I took off with the 19-29 Sport, Larry shot out with the 40-49 Sport and Stacey followed with the Sport Women.
As you can tell from the pics the race was a success (podium spots) for Stacey and Larry. Stacey placed 3rd overall woman and 1st in her age group. Larry placed 3rd in the 40-49 Sport, Josh placed 6th in singlespeed and I placed 7th in 19-29 Sport. It was a tough race but CCR persevered. This was a good start to our mountain bike season. Next stop Sunny King Crit and the Cheaha Challenge all in one weekend.
Photos: CCR, Others1, Others2
Reports: Justin, Larry
Old Howard 100- Brad Fish
Jamie, Don and myself went down to Marion, AL for the Old Howard 100 on an awesome day to be riding a bike. The ride was perfect in all respects. It was very well organized and had great sag stops. The route was slightly hilly with hardly any cars. We rode the 100 mile route and I decided to "be like Mike" and do the pulling. We did the 100 in 5 hours and 22 minutes.