The guys on the other hand put up the good fight but could not match Stacey's victory. Larry, doubling up, finished in 4th in the Master Men's race, and put in a solid top 20 in the men's CX 3/4 race. Mike Herring also doubling up, finished 9th in the Master's race, and also put in a solid top 20 in the 3/4 race. Chris Leven rocked out with a 15th in the men's 3/4 race. Zach Davis finished 5th in the Juniors race. Lastly, the Diesel, had the dubious distinction of being the team's Lantern Rouge, pulling up the rear with a 20th place finish in the 4/5 race.
We apologize for the lack of race photo's. It is incredibly difficult, to ring a cowbell, hold your drink, hand out water, scream your head off, and take photo's. With 2 races to go, to team is in a dog fight for a top 5 finish in the team standings, and in bitter battles to stay in the top 10 in points in the Women's CX4, Juniors, Men's 4/5, and Men's 3/4. Check back for an update after the Montgomery Race at Fain Park.
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