On the bike, we have dealt with a little of this.......
and some of this......
We have had more snow this year than in the 6 years I have been here. When it is not snowing it has been raining. When it has not been doing either it has been cold and gloomy, so when we have had sunshine it has been cause for celebration. Through the snow, the rain, and the gloomy weather it has not kept us off the bikes. The team was able to participate in the training races held in Sumatanga.

One of our off season additions and resident Marine, Alan Laytham, notched 2 top 10's in the training races held at Sumatanga. Not to shabby for a guy who took a 17 year break and hopped back on the bike less than a year ago.

Larry and Mike both worked on racing form and opted to race with the big dogs in the "A" races. It was a great learning experience for both of them and after a few rides with them after the races, I would say they both came out a lot stronger.
The weather has played havoc on the roads around town and forced the cancellation of the "Spring Forward Metric Century" that we were planning on doing to celebrate the new season. It has been tentatively re-scheduled to August. We are going to have to come up with something catchy for that one.
We have also grown quite considerably since 2009. Not only did we add Alan, we also added Mick Gould from Britain, junior rider and climber Payne Griffin, cross junkie Chris Leven is back on the team after a year sabbatical, George Shamburger and his wife Elizabeth not only co-sponsor the team but but can ride a bike with the best of them and have the paint jobs to prove it, mountain biker and slowly becoming a roadie Mitch Moses, and jack-of-all racing disciplines Beth Santoro. When you add that roster to the returning roster it is a pretty stout bunch.
It was also a time for Team CCR to dawn it's new look along with it's new sponsor. Team CCR was pleased to announce it's association with Digital Era Banking Serivces. No longer will we be sporting the red, yellow, and black. We have traded those colors in for green and white and chose a classic look to show it off.

The time is finally here for us to open up this season. Cheers!
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